Poster and Scripts

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Some new projects are going on. I changed up the format of my github so that I have three projects at the moment. The first one is Poster.rb, which I will expand upon later. The second is, scripts-and-stuff, which is just a dumping ground for whatever I am working on. I was inspired by some articles I read about _why to try out the concept of shipping and just getting my code out to the world, regardless of quality control. I was scared of doing this, but at this point in my career it is more beneficial, because it is inspiring and helpful. The final repository is a fork of RHoKBrum’s HeightCatcher app for the Android OS, which I may or not fix up the documentation for and help with development.

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Review of 2010

 Some rights reserved by aresauburn"2010 was a busy year for me. It started in chaos and ended quite enjoyably. When I started this year I was a senior in high school confused about what I wanted to do with me life, now I am a freshman in college, still confused, but with an inspiration to create. I am pretty set on engineering now, but more than that I am excited to just make things, DIY things and ultimately express myself through these things. My pursuit of music was a pursuit of expression, but I am starting to find a new way of expressing myself through electronics.

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Python Development 1: Brushing Up and Google APIs

PythonI started brushing up on python recently. In actuality there was not a whole lot of brushing up to do. In fact, the process was fairly straight forward. I remembered the syntax and most of the basic concepts behind the language. I also started working on a “List Cruncher” for (a music site which I co-founded, but currently am uninvolved in).

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Project Updates

Currently I am working on a project I call “Finals Week,” but here are the rest of my projects as they stand, including things I want to do:

  1. Arduino Powered MIDI Ribbon Controller (code, schematic, and project diary coming soon)
  2. RHoK HeightCatcher (contributions to the UK version)
  3. Brushing up on Python and learning Django
  4. Brushing up on Java and learning Android